Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Do they take the Hippocratic or the hypocritical oath?

Once more the world is upside down because of the recent terrorist bomb alerts and the moronic attack on Glasgow Airport...
But what is really and deeply bothering me is not so much that again the Muslim, home-grown or not, connection, is being quoted as responsible.
What is deeply unnerving is that these people, including the 8 arrested so far had nor just "advanced degrees or education" as some papers have reported, but that they were doctors, as in, physicians.

I wonder whether these guys, wherever they studied their medicine, Paskistan, Australia, India, the UK, or Planet Mars, took what I assumed what the traditional compulsory oath, i.e., the Hippocratic Oath. I am not sure that it allows murder or acts of terror! If we cannot trust our physicians any more, who?

I am includimg here the original Hippocratic Oath: there is no chance a radical Muslim would take that oath, because of the references to all the Greek Gods, for God's sake!


But the modern version is rather neutral and I am including it hereunder.

Now the secular version includes a paragraph that is indeed bothering. Here it goes: "But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God."

So are they thinking that it is in their power to try and take the Infidels' lives?

To me, it is simply playing God ...although it is clear that they should not even consider that!


Because if they did take this oath, then it was the hypocritical one, wasn't it finally?

There was a special oath created for Muslim doctors. It is based on the Qu'ran and can be found at

The text states plainly: "Therefore, make us worthy of this favoured station with honor, dignity and piety so that we may devote our lives in serving mankind, poor or rich, literate or illiterate, Muslim or non-Muslim, black or white with patience and tolerance with virtue and reverence, with knowledge and vigilance, with Thy love in our hearts and compassion for Thy servants, Thy most precious creation.
Hereby we take this oath in Thy name, the Creator of all the Heavens and the earth and follow Thy counsel as Thou has revealed to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)."Whoever killeth a human being, not in liew of another human being nor because of mischief on earth, it is as if he hath killed all mankind. And if he saveth a human life, he hath saved the life of all mankind." (Qur'an V/35)

If only the arrested physicians acted by what they profess to be The Truth!

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