Saturday, January 1, 2011


On this, the first day of Anno Domini 2011:

Resolve in no other order than what comes first to my brain:

- To look at life through a pink lense always and forever
- To get my invalidating lumbar spinal stenosis and left knee sorted out
- To run again even if it means getting a corticoid injection every month
- To acquire US citizenship
- To trust my children
- To encourage my children to become independent
- To support my children's decisions regarding their own life without regret or bitterness
- To read more
- To learn a new language
- TO WRITE and deliver these lines trotting inside of me
- To love unconditionally
- To forgive and not judge
- To make better use of my time and of my hands, cooking, cross-stitching or sketching
- To laugh
- To sing
- To play the piano again
- To learn how to make brioche
- To be in constant and silent prayer
- To get rid of moral and physical clutter
- To live

What is a heart if the flower of love is not growing inside it?

Picture taken at Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, November 2010.


Catherine J said...

pour tes problèmes de vertèbres est-ce que les kinés "méthode Mézières" existent aux US? sinon le "Pilates" s'en rapproche beaucoup; pour ma part, ça m'a sauvée...

Sarah -in- USA said...

Oui, cela s'appelle "Acupressure" ici. J'en faisais toutes les semaines entre 2007 et fin 2008. Il faut que je retourne voir mon docteur pour me refaire prescrire des massages, ce n'est pas donne ici!

Sonda Tamarr Allen said...

I am all about constant pray. It works. Thanks Sarah

Sarah -in- USA said...

Thanks, Sonda. I am trying hard to regain truth in faith.